The longer-haired Tabby cat came into our foster lady’s, Viki’s, care from a social care institute, with 5 of her tiny silver grey kittens. The kittens, unfortunately, were weakly and tangled u pin the umbilical cord, so despite all Viki’s great effort they couldn’t survive.
BARBI was a quarrelsome, tiny bit crazy cat when she came into her foster home, so we do not recommend her to be together with other cats. However, she’d make a great only cat. Since then she has calmed down, though and she has stopped fighting. She might occasionally slaps one of the other cats, but this is not serious. With people she’s a wonder. She’s very kind and adores being stroked and paid attention to.
She’s house-trained, neutered and FIV-FELV negative.
She's been adopted. 26.08.2022 (J)