It isn’t easy to find responsible owners for our cats as the unknowing backyard breeders are pouring out kittens who are looking for an owner then. To whom and for what purpose do they give their unwanted kittens is of no interest to them, therefore, these kittens won’t get neutered later either and will breed on to exacerbate the already tragic cat situation.
GUSZTIKA’s chance for adoption is even worse than that of healthy catsas he’s totally blind. He can only count on the good will of a dedicated cat –lover who reallyloves cats through and through, but the home of people of that kind are already full of cats. But maybe there is a still a person out there?Maybe someone with a big heart could offer him a safe home till the end of his life.
His story:
He turned blind due to an untreated cat flu. We were hoping to save one of his eyes, but it’s got damaged too badly so it’s turned out to be impossible.
Despite his story he’s an infinitely playfuland affectionate kitten, but unfortunately, he is not able to really benefit from being playful and affectionate as he’s inside a ½ m2 quarantine cage and only a few minutes is spared on him a day which is way too little. He deserves so much more as he has suffered too much already.
He needs a true cat-lover owner who would love him the way he is, who could spend time with him and provide him with a home where he could find his place despite his blindness, where he could learn to get around safely and could be provided with a happy life.
Naturally, he can only be an indoor cat inside a one-storey house or a flat as he can’t go up and down stairs!A friendly cat companion would be welcome.
He has already been vaccinated, but his castration is only die when he’s about 6 months old. Our organisation will cover the cost if he’s adopted by that time. It is possible that even his still existing eye has to be removed sooner or later.
If someone feels generous enough and thinks seriously about adopting him, please, call the following number! : +36303212934
If you don’t wish to see the shocking pictures of his eyes from the time he came into our care, please, don’t look at the pictures!
He's been adopted. 28.01.28. (J)