We wonder how she found herself in one of the busiest roads of the town, especially in an area where mostly offices are situated and keeping cats is not exactly typical. DORCI was definitely not a street cat as she’s extremely friendly and she’s used to the stroking hand. She’s a real little ball of affection. We will never know how she got to the road.
Unfortunately, her adventure ended in a road accident: she was overrun. The X-ray showed a broken rib with which, of course, there was nothing we could do. The only treatment was rest and time. She spent a long time in a quarantine cage where she got her vaccinations, but as time passed she coped less and less well with being locked up. She wanted out. It was also a challenge to clean her cage. The long-awaited day finally arrived and she was let into cat company. Now she plays happily with the other kittens, but she adores people too.
We recommend her to a family where they can spend time with her as she doesn’t like boredom. She wouldn’t cope with rough handling or being bothered. She would let out her little claws to play then, so we do not recommend her to families with small kids.
She's FIV-FELV negative. She can be adopted in Békéscsaba as an indoor cat.
She’s been adopted. 26.11.2021 (J)